Sunday, 22 May 2011

Mojo Malaise

I've had nowt to write about all week and am feeling a bit dulled. Today there's the usual pile of impossible domestic stuff needing to be done - dirty saucepans, marvellous meals, a hefty dose of outdoorsy exercise, cracking the algebra that the 12 year old's teacher is too useless to teach.... Despite waking up at 6.45 feeling wide awake I opted to snooze instead. Its either time to start drinking or to get a dog... Which way does va va voom lie?

2 cups of tea later Debbie Harry was on desert island discs. I'm no good with radios - short of nail-varnishing marks on the dial next to stations I could no more find radio 4 than I could comprehend latin. So it was weird having the programme through the tv - a bit like the olden days when families sat reverentially around the cumbersome wireless set. See, even there I have nothing to write about, other than it was just cool to listen to her voice.

Grasping for a positive spin to put on the week:
- I've put up a shelf in the kitchen, and its actually straight, unlike last time when a big lump of white tak had to be employed to level it up at one end. For the first time since the kitchen refit  I won't be moving all the saucepans first before being able to use the cooker.
- I sanded and painted the hideous wall under the kitchen window.
- I did a tesco online order, and got all the right things, with none of the usual surprises like 12 packets of tomatoes.
- We finally got the lump of plastic known as the Wii working - the one posted to the boys by their dad, hitherto regarded as Not Working and reeking of fags. The Wii that is, though an apt description of him too.

And what a pile of child-scaring cobblers all that rapture stuff was. Its a bit like a Dr Who episode - they sort of know its made-up but like to be a bit scared at the same time. A friend just summed it up with "oh well, I'll have to do the washing up after all". But there again, the prediction was for 5 months of fire and that big volcano in Iceland's just gone up again...


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

It was rather sad to hear of Debbie Harry appearing on Desert Island Discs, not that she does not deserve her place there, just that when the 'blonde bombshell' joins the ranks of Radio 4, one wonders if the world really is coming to an end after all.

Alison Cross said...

you should feel proud of yourself for getting this stuff done! Our Wii is really important - it's SUPPOSED to be my gym at home (wii fit, wii dance 2) but it just lies under the coffee table, eating batteries and looking at me reproachfully!

Ali x

Kim said...

You actually got a lot done and wrote 'funny' about it too!, Ms. Sparkledtrashfemme!

Vix said...

Welcome back!
You've certainly got yourself motivated and achieved a fair bit so you shoule, like Ali says, feel very proud of yourself. I forgot about Debbie Harry on Desert Island Discs, I'm going to see if I can track it down online. xxx

Trashsparkle said...

Hi Jane and Lance
The world is a very wide place, with people of very wide tastes - what could be more fun than discovering debbie harry would take 2 pieces of classical music AND war and peace?

Trashsparkle said...

I think our wii is destined for the same fate - the boyfriend dropped hints all weekend about me using it for fitness . pah! has he never heard of pot calling the kettle black!!!
Thanks for the encouragement about the kitchen - there I was painting one day, then at the weekend I went on strike; dirty dishes galore. did the kids even notice?? I had to clean it all up after work yesterday. double pah!

Trashsparkle said...

Can you lend me a couple of your squirrels? If only it could be just like in Snow White... Though if furry and feathery critters really did do my washing up I'd be straight down to the shops for new crockery!

Trashsparkle said...

Awwww, thanks for the "welcome back" the days sort of slipped away there without me getting into posting-mode. You're one of my main sources of motivation on here, with your daily transformations of wardrobe'n'home!