Wednesday, 8 June 2011

What To Do...

...with this very-much needed Official Day Off? See, I have been hit by alternate waves of procrastination (the do-you-really-want-the-filter-keys-on? message came up there when I had my finger on the shift key, while the brain came up with some commands) and getting-things-done mode. Admittedly the latter mode wants me to take everything out of the dining room part of the kitchen and reassess the empty room, blank-canvas-sprayed-white, George Clarke style.

Then when the room had been made twice as big by means of architectural magic wandiness, Dawna Walter could rock up to stop me putting all the sh*t back in again. I am aware that she would frown on the old birthday cards stuffed into the drawers of the cupboard of doom. I usually heed her advice of you don't need to hold onto it, but occasionally there have been years when its been quicker to stuff the cards away rather than sort out if anyone wants to keep any particularly special ones...

This is the Culprit Corner. I am going to move the desk over to under the window again, and get that hulking great printer up on a shelf. The cupboard will go where the desk is at the moment, so a nice, neat visual line of whiteness will prevail. The roller blind came down this morning, as I was too heavy-handed with trying to straighten it. And those wires are So Bad. We have wireless internet in the house, but you wouldn't think so from this heap. Its been left "temporarily" like that for, oh, quite a while now. The floor is ancient - the scuffed up bits were inherited; a slate-grey floor is on my wishlist, somewhere. And don't ask why the blender is down there on the floor... just don't ask. Perhaps finishing the kitchen is what I should be concentrating on instead.

But on the other hand, I might just go out instead!


Lisa-Marie said...

We are in the midst of a bit of a re-do of our flat. we are trying to do this very thing. I have boxes and boxes of cards. It has to end somewhere!

Vix said...

Oh don't! I decided to start sorting out the spare bedroom last night and I've just given up and walked off in despair. xxx

Kim said...

Why DO we have all this s%*&? I have papers that I don't think I really need and every cupboard with a drawer is a cupboard of Doom...I love that term.. I don't know why I have half the sh%^ I have..and are we waitin' to get old so that we may perhaps reminisce over those old cards???We'll be blind by then so why are we hoarding them!

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Wires. Shudder. I hate cables, they make me physically uncomfortable. Looking down the back of my pc table makes me feel a bit unwell - it's just a jumbled mess. And we have what my other half calls a 'man drawer' which is full of obsolete phone chargers. Ugh.

Hope you got something achieved, all I have managed to to today is post holiday laundry and today and tomorrow's dinners - the house is still a pig sty, and now I'm catching up on blogs instead!

Trashsparkle said...

Lisa-Marie, its a pandora's box; it takes so long to sort out crap we shouldn't hang onto that we lose the will to get on with the revamp stuff. Hence usual tactic here is just move all the crap to another room (usually my bedroom. How are the stairs coming on?

Vix, I can imagine that - a room that you don't really have to be in, ugh, close door, go off and do something else! When is it your friends are staying? Pile stuff up neatly and hide it all behind a screen til you're really in the mood to tackle it?

Kim, you make me laugh - "we'll be blind by then so why are we hoarding them" - I can only blitz stupid stuff like paperwork when I'm pre-menstrual; total energy rush.

Lakota, that's impressive that tomorrow's dinner has already been made. Can't holiday washing just vanish into some magic tunnel and emerge all clean in the wardrobe the next day? My heap of cables is there because I find it far too easy to ignore - I have tried tying them up and clipping them, but I move the furniture around so much I've kind of given up ;)

Trashsparkle said...

ps Guess what - I went out instead ;) So no furniture moved, nothing cleaned or sorted. Had impromptu coffee 'n' charity shop trawl with the boyfriend. A picture frame to paint for a Bond poster, a book on Victorians, and a dress and rose-patterned scarf for ebay. Oh, and I decided to do another patch of floor sanding in the bathroom when I got back... One room at a time is something I can't do :)

Anonymous said...

Cupboard of Doom.... hehe, thats a good one... drawers of no return...

Trashsparkle said...

Hey, got the furniture moved, the cable situation is better but not properly sorted, and the cupboard's had a refresher lick of paint... just got to sort out the contents of said cupboard of doom!