Thursday, 12 April 2012

About Time...

... well, we're over the Excitement That Was Nancy Sinatra. No, it hasn't taken me that long to recover, but life... well, it just gets In The Way sometimes doesn't it.

A brief snippette of recent things then...
The Trashsparkle Household have been having two weeks off work and school. There have been visits to cities, clothes shopping involving me spending Quite A Bit on new clothes FOR ME for a change - including this luvverly rockabillyesque little black cardi with Bloody Big Day Of The Dead Skulls on it

Banned Multi Skull Design Cardigan (Black)

 - and a little (rail)road trip to family in the south. Oh, and buying some more Pixies and Yeah Yeah Yeah cds...

But for now, I'll just mention the recent 24 hours:

  • gorgeous green Kent countryside, oast houses, sheep, horses, drinking gallons of tea with my lovely cousin at her house
  • finally buying the Duchess of Windsor biography by Anne Sebba. Page 18 so far, and its Very Good.
  • catching up on facebook, eating late-night chunky soup with the kids then chocolate mini rolls and watching Muriel's Wedding. All at the same time....  
  • switching over to BBC2 and accidentally catching this incredible, amazing Werner Herzog documentary  Dieter survived capture in Vietnam, and this is the story of how he came to be there, from Germany where his grandfather was the only person in his town not to vote for Hitler and was subsequently persecuted by the Nazis, of what Dieter went through as a prisoner and of his escape and recovery afterwards... Amazing.